Aspect Scientific Dynex DS2 ELISA Automation System from Wolflabs
Aspect Scientific Dynex DS2 ELISA Automation System from Wolflabs.
The Dyex DS2 is a compact, fully automated ELISA processor with walkaway capability, designed for ease of use. It processes two 96-well microplates and up to 12 assays simultaneously, offering extensive functionality in a small footprint. Widely used in NHS labs across the UK, the DS2 is valued for its reliability, flexibility, and suitability for all ELISA applications.
Features and benefits
- Sample pipetting and dilution
- Automatic barcode scanning
- Microplate incubation, shaking and washing
- Reagent dilution and dispensing
- Absorbance reading with automatic results interpretation and quality control
- Bi-directional LIS connectivity
Product Category: ELISA Automation Systems
Manufacturer: Aspect Scientific