Peak Scientific Precision Air Compressor from Wolflabs
Peak Scientific Precision Air Compressor from Wolflabs.
The Precision Air Compressor is designed and engineered specifically to provide a dedicated, fully integrated compressed air source for Precision Nitrogen and Precision Zero Air gas generators. Housed within the same compact, stackable form factor as the generators, the Precision Air Compressor module can be added to any Precision stack typically as the base unit to give you a complete self-contained GC gas solution, even where no house supply is available.
Features and benefits
- Compressed air supply for Precision Nitrogen and Zero Air generators
- Single unit can supply both the Precision Nitrogen and Zero Air generators in a stack
- Duplex compressor mounting system to dampen noise and vibration
- Service & repair status indicators
- 12-month comprehensive onsite warranty
Product Category: Air Compressors
Manufacturer: Peak Scientific