Special Offer - Freezers - Cryogenic -150°C and -152°C
http://www.wolflabs.co.uk/laboratory-products/freezers-cryogenic_-150oc_and_-152oc - Discounts of over 30%
Product Category: Freezers - Cryogenic -150°C and -152°C
Manufacturer: PHC Europe
http://www.wolflabs.co.uk/laboratory-products/freezers-cryogenic_-150oc_and_-152oc - Discounts of over 30%
Product Category: Freezers - Cryogenic -150°C and -152°C
Manufacturer: PHC Europe
Sanyo / Panasonic MDF series of cryogenic -150°C and -152°C freezers from Wolflabs. Ideal for long term preservation of biologicals, blood components and various cell line, Panasonic preservation systems employ microprocessor control to maintain a high-precision temperature environment. They are not affected by ambient temperature, minimizing uneven temperature distribution within the chamber, and a temperature rise during door opening.
Features and benefits
- Specially designed compressor and cascade refrigeration system. Specially designed for rugged ultra-low temperature applications in a laboratory environment (HFC refrigerants only).
- Extremely accurate, easy-to-read display. The temperature inside the freezer can be set and monitored easily by means of a microprocessor temperature control with an LED digital display. The thermostat incorporates a platinum resistor (Pt. 100O), precision and durability.
- High-performance refrigeration system with foamed-in-place cabinet insulation maximizes interior temperature uniformity and protects against fluctuating ambient temperatures.
- Moisture condensation at the top edges of the cabinet due to differences in temperature inside and out causes frost and icing problems that may reduce heat insulation efficiency and obstruct door movements. These problems are prevented by the “hot line” by means of which hot gas from the higher temperature circuit is circulated through the problem areas.
- The temperature sensor, filter sensor and cascade sensor monitor operation conditions continuously. Should abnormality be picked up, an error code and the current temperature will be displayed in turn.
- The alarm buzzer can be silenced by pressing the BUZZER key on the control panel. (The remote alarm signal is not cancelled.) Should the alarm condition continue after a certain suspension, the alarm buzzer sound will resume.
- Standard-equipped heavy duty casters make it easy to move a freezer when necessary. The levelling feet keep a freezer level and firm on the floor.
Product Category: Freezers - Cryogenic -150°C and -152°C
Manufacturer: PHC Europe
New MDF-1156ATN-PE -150°C and -152°C cryogenic freezer from PHC Europe/Sanyo/Panasonic Biomedical has been added.
Features and benefits
- Freezer always maintains inner cabinet temperature at an ultra-low temperature.
- Compressors that are specifically designed for ultra-low temperature applications are employed in the proven cascade refrigeration system ensuring the highest levels of performance and reliability.
- Alarm and safety devices ensure high levels of protection in case of high temperature deviations, power failure or filter blockage.
Product Category: Freezers - Cryogenic -150°C and -152°C
Manufacturer: PHC Europe