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Cole-Parmer Spex 8200 Planetary Mill ball mill from Wolflabs

Cole-Parmer Spex 8200 Planetary Mill ball mill from Wolflabs.

Features and benefits
- Planetary motion rotates sun wheel in one direction while the sample jar rotates in the opposite direction
- Single grinding station for one 250 mL or one 500 mL grinding jar
- Unique, easy-to-operate jar clamping system
- Programmable touch screen interface capable of storing up to 10 run protocols
- Ergonomic design makes loading a grinding jar into the mill easy

Wolflabs Spex :: Laboratory Ball Mills

Pricing, specifications and discounted quotations on a comprehensive range of laboratory ball mills

New Spex ball mill from Wolflabs

A new ball mill from Spex has been added to the website

Special offer - Spex liquid nitrogen freezer mill

A 20% discount off this liquid nitrogen freezer mill from Spex Certiprep

6770-230 - Wolf special offer –Ball mill Spex freezers plant & animal tissue seeds polymers pharmaceuticals food products electronic components textiles hair teeth and bones feed material = 6 mm max feed size non wet milling OFFER ENDS 24-12-2014

IKA ball mill from Wolflabs

IKA Tube Drive ball mill from Wolflabs has been added. Unique and universal dispersing, stirring, homogenizing and grinding system with hermetically sealable disposable sample tubes. Protection and security for: Infectious sample materials, toxic substances, high-odor substances under defined conditions (time, energy, volume).

Features and benefits
- Disperse, stir, homogenize and grind using a single drive unit
- No possibility of cross-contamination
- Hermetically sealable disposable sample tubes
- No cleaning required
- High level of user safety
- Suitable for individual use and use in series
- Gamma-sterilized tubes
- Tubes with pierceable membrane covers
- Tubes with 2-15 ml and 15-50 ml
- Anti-locking function
- Increases safety due to low voltage (24 V)
- Chemical-resistant plastic
- Simple and safe disposal
- Reproducible tests
- Patented

New Retsch ball mills from Wolflabs

New PM200 and PM400 ball mills from Retsch have been added. Planetary Ball Mills are used wherever the highest degree of fineness is required. Apart from the classical mixing and size reduction processes, the mills also meet all the technical requirements for colloidal grinding and have the energy input necessary for mechanical alloying processes. The extremely high centrifugal forces of planetary ball mills result in very high pulverization energy and therefore short grinding times.

Features and benefits
- Powerful and quick grinding down to nano range
- Reproducible results due to energy and speed control
- Suitable for long-term trials
- 2 different grinding modes (dry and wet)
- Measurement of energy input
- Wide range of materials for contamination free grinding
- Safety Slider for safe operation
- Comfortable parameter setting via display and ergonomic 1-button operation
- Automatic grinding chamber ventilation
- 10 SOPs can be stored
- Programmable starting time
- Power failure backup ensures storage of remaining grinding time

Retsch ball mills from Wolflabs

Retsch PM100 ball mills from Wolflabs. The innovative Planetary Ball Mills meet and exceed all requirements for fast and reproducible grinding down to the nano range. They are used for the most demanding tasks, from routine sample processing to colloidal grinding and mechanical alloying. The grinding parameters are easily selected and stored with one single button. All planetary mills feature programmable starting time, power failure backup with storage of remaining grinding time and a built-in fan which cools the grinding jars during operation. The comfort grinding jars are dust-tight and unusually simple and safe to handle.

Features and benefits
- Extreme speed, final fineness down to the nano range
- Reproducible results due to energy and speed control
- 1-button operation with graphics display
- 10 parameter combinations can be stored
- Smooth and stable operation
- Automatic grinding chamber ventilation
- Suitable for long-term trials and continuous use

Spex ball mill from Wolflabs

Spex 8000M ball mill from Wolflabs. The 8000M mixer/mill is a high-energy ball mill that grinds up to 0.2 - 10 grams of dry, brittle samples. The vial, which contains a sample and one or more balls, is shaken in a complex motion that combines back-and-forth swings with short lateral movements, each end of the vial describing a figure-8. The clamp's motion develops strong G-forces in the vial, to pulverize the toughest rocks, slags and ceramics.

Features and benefits
- Wide selection of grinding and mixing vials available including hardened steel, stainless steel, tungsten carbide, alumina ceramic, zirconia ceramic, silicon nitride, agate, polystyrene, methacrylate, polystyrene, and polycarbonate. 
- Variable-range electronic timer is factory-set for 100-minute range.
- The 8010 and 8011 Multiple-Sample Adapters permit processing of multiple smaller samples.
- Steel housing protects the clamp mechanism and rugged construction ensures a long life of heavy work. 
- Shock mounted motor enables bench top operation.
- Reduces samples to analytical fineness and can be utilized for mechanical alloying and nanomilling. 
- For grinding multiple samples in the 0.2 - 10 gram range or mixing up to 60 mL of multiple sample per clamp. 
- For efficiency, clamps are run in balance with the same vial and load in each clamp. 
- Extended Running Time Chip is available for extending timer range to 175 hours (10,500 minutes). 
- Equipped with forced-air cooling and safety interlock system for operator protection. 
- Efficient two-clamp laboratory mill commonly referred to as the "SPEX Mill". 
- Dual clamps enable multiple sample processing for high-throughput applications. 
- Also called a shaker mill or high-energy ball mill.
- Accepts all SPEX SamplePrep Mixer/Mill(R) Grinding and Mixing Vial Sets. 

New Spex ball mill from Wolflabs

New 1600 MiniG ball mill from Spex has been added. The 1600 MiniG is the ideal solution for labs that want a compact yet powerful tissue homogenizer and cell lyser. This mechanical disruptor is designed to effectively disrupt cellular materials by oscillating one or two deep-well titer plates vertically. Clamp also holds up to 6 x50 mL vials or 48 x 2 mL vials or 24 x 5 mL vials. 

Features and benefits
- Automated mechanical disruption through bead beating, ideal for high-throughput cell lysis applications including DNA/ RNA extraction, protein extraction and pesticide residue analysis. 
- Window in lid allows you to see the grinding process.
- Clamp typically holds up to two titer plates or 48 x 2 mL vials or 48 x 5 mL vials when stacked.
- Clamp also accommodates taller vials such as 12 x 15 mL or 6 x 50 mL falcon tubes.
- Lid has a safety interlock switch that stops the motor if the lid is opened during the grinding process.
- Optional Kryo-Tech Accessories enable cryogenic grinding and preserve temperature sensitive samples for RNA and protein extractions.
- LCD display screen shows run times in minute : second format.
- Rate & timer controls allow you to adjust speed and set time.
- Start and stop buttons allow you to start and stop the grinding process.

Spex ball mill from Wolflabs

Spex Geno / Grinder ball mill from Wolflabs. The Geno/Grinder is an automated high-throughput plant & animal tissue homogenizer and cell lyser. It is equipped with an adjustable clamp that accommodates a full range of sample vials from 2mL to 50mL centrifuge tubes or up to six deep-well titer plates. It is specifically designed for rapid cell disruption, cell lysis and tissue homogenization, enabling fast and efficient extraction of nucleic acids, proteins and other molecules of interest.

Features and benefits
- Versatile high-throughput plant and animal tissue homogenizer/cell lyser with a unique, vigorous, vertical pulverizing motion
- Handles two standard deep-well titer plates or multiple vials from 0.6 to 50 mL
- Optional large clamp assembly (2199) enables processing of up to four deep-well titer plates or sixteen 50 mL vials simultaneously
- Controls allow the operator to set the run time in 5 second increments and precise vertical grinding speed between 500 and 1750 strokes per minute (SPM)
- Sample preparation is completed in as little as 2 minutes with the addition of 1-2 grinding balls to the sample with a buffer solution
- Safety interlocks and pneumatic cylinder stabilize the lid for safe operation
- Supplied with height-adjustment spacers to handle titer plates, racks, vials, and other configurations up to 2¼ in. height
- LCD screen displays the full timer setting along

Spex ball mill from Wolflabs

Spex 8000D ball mill from Wolflabs. The 8000D Mixer/Mill is a high-energy ball mill with dual clamps that grinds up to 0.2 - 10 grams of dry, brittle samples. Ideal for  mechanical alloying, slurry grinding, blending powders, and mixing emulsions. The vial, which contains a sample and one or more balls, is shaken in a complex motion that combines back-and-forth swings with short lateral movements, each end of the vial describing a figure-8. The clamp's motion develops strong G-forces in the vial, to pulverize the toughest rocks, slags and ceramics.

Features and benefits
- Accepts all SPEX SamplePrep Mixer/Mill(R) Grinding and Mixing Vial Sets.
- Also called a shaker mill or high-energy ball mill.
- Dual clamps enable multiple sample processing for high-throughput applications.
- Efficient two-clamp laboratory mill commonly referred to as the "SPEX Mill".
- Equipped with forced-air cooling and safety interlock system for operator protection.
- Extended Running Time Chip is available for extending timer range to 175 hours (10,500 minutes).
- For efficiency, clamps are run in balance with the same vial and load in each clamp.
- For grinding multiple samples in the 0.2 - 10 gram range or mixing up to 60 mL of multiple sample per clamp.
- Reduces samples to analytical fineness and can be utilized for mechanical alloying and nanomilling.
- Shock mounted motor enables bench top operation.
- Steel housing protects the clamp mechanism and rugged construction ensures a long life of heavy work.
- The 8010 and 8011 Multiple-Sample Adapters permit processing of multiple smaller samples.
- Variable-range electronic timer is factory-set for 100-minute range.

IKA ball mill from Wolflabs

IKA tube drive workstation ball mill from Wolflabs. Workstation consists of ULTRA-TURRAX Tube Drive, 2 x ST-20, 2 x DT-20 incl. 1 removal hook for removal the rotor-stator unit, 2 x BMT-20 G / S, power supply. Unique and universal dispersing, stirring, homogenizing and grinding system with hermetically sealable disposable sample tubes. Protection and security for: Infectious sample materials, toxic substances, high-odor substances under defined conditions (time, energy, volume).

Features and benefits
- Disperse, stir, homogenize and grind using a single drive unit
- No possibility of cross-contamination
- Hermetically sealable disposable sample tubes
- No cleaning required
- High level of user safety
- Suitable for individual use and use in series
- Gamma-sterilized tubes
- Tubes with pierceable membrane covers
- Tubes with 2 - 15 ml and 15 - 50 ml
- Anti-locking function
- Increases safety due to low voltage (24 V)
- Chemical-resistant plastic
- Simple and safe disposal

New IKA ball mill from Wolflabs

New ULTRA-TURRAX ball mill from IKA has been added.

New Ohaus ball mill from Wolflabs

New HT Lysing ball mill from Ohaus have been added. 

Features and benefits
- Flexibility to handle multiple samples & tube configurations.
- Take the guesswork out of determining optimum speed/time with 5 pre-set programs.
- Increased efficiency with high-throughput sample processing.

Retsch Ball Mill PM 400 from Wolflabs.

Retsch Ball Mill PM 400 from Wolflabs.

Features and benefits
- Powerful and quick grinding down to nano range
- Grinding with up to 26.8 x acceleration of gravity
- Suitable for long-term trials
- Safety Slider for safe operation
- Programmable starting time