UVP ultraviolet radiometer from Wolflabs
UVP UVX Radiometer from Wolflabs. This digital UVX Radiometer is used with one of the three interchangeable sensors (ordered separately) for measuring 254nm, 365nm and 302nm UV wavelengths. Measurement of lamp irradiance is the most effective way to monitor the useful life of any UV light source.
Features and benefits
- Order from three sensors: UVX-25 shortwave, UVX-31 midrange or UVX-36 longwave
- The chart recorder port, standard on the UVX, allows for continuous monitoring
- The UVX's range switch provides selection from three intensity ranges: 0 to 20 mW/cm2, 0 to 2000 microW/cm2 and 0 to 200 microW/cm2
- The 10:1 attenuator extends the reading range up to 200mW/cm2
- The UVX Radiometer is powered by a 9-volt battery for up to 120 hours
- Unit includes a port for attachment of a chart recorder (user provided)
Product Category: Ultraviolet (UV) - Radiometers
Manufacturer: UVP / Analytik Jena