Working together for a greener future
Since our incorporation in 1995, Wolflabs have been committed to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. Last year we saw a ramping up in global awareness of the climate crisis, from continued school strikes to the publishing of the IPCC report and most recently, COP26. In light of this, Wolflabs will be doing even more to play our part in creating a better future for the planet.
The IPCC report:
In September the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report detailing extensive evidence for the presence of climate change and warning of the future implications a lack of action would have. The report found an increase in global surface temperatures of 0.8°C in the last 100 years. Scientists have also documented an increased rate of drastic weather events such as heatwaves and a sea-level rise of 20cm since the beginning of the last century.
More recently, the 26th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference was held in Glasgow. COP26 brought together world leaders to discuss how climate change will be tackled. The talks concluded with all countries agreeing to the Glasgow Climate Pact which emphasised that significant action is urgently required to prevent a global temperature increase above 1.5°C, this level of increase would cause catastrophic environmental damage.
Wolflabs’ response:
Following on from this, Wolflabs want to work even harder to ensure we are doing everything we can to promote sustainability and reduce our environmental impact. We are currently working on a number of projects which will be completed in early 2022. More information on these will be released in the coming weeks.
These will be in addition to the work we already do to improve the impact we have on the planet. A few ways we currently do this are;
- Continuing to preferentially source products from local manufacturers and that feature various ecological benefits.
- Ensuring no hard copy material is produced, preventing any paper waste.
- Being a proud supporter of environmental charities such as CoolEarth who work to protect rainforest ecosystems.
- Working with the company ClimateCare who help us to ensure we are offsetting our emissions.
- Working closely with suppliers who are also looking towards greener business practices to ensure we are promoting sustainability at every level within our company.