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4 Incubators - Cooled Tips in Line with Sustainability

4 Incubators - Cooled Tips in Line with Sustainability

WolfLabs is committed to halve carbon emissions by 2030, and as many other companies look at ways they can be more sustainable, we have four tips on how to run your Incubators - Cooled more sustainably.

1     Ensuring that regular maintenance work is performed at least once a year keeps your incubator working to the best of its ability and picks up any hidden faults or wear and tear issues that may be hampering performance.

2     Check for wear and tear on door seals at least once a year. If the door is not sealing properly across the whole surface, your energy costs will be needlessly high.

3     Choosing cabinets with automatic lighting and timers can not only be better for timed experiments but will also save more energy. Once the desired light dosage is achieved, the chamber switches off automatically.

4     With an increased amount of dust in the ambient air, clean the Peltier fan grid by suction or blowing several times a year. This will keep the equipment clean, and also ensure it is functioning efficiently.  

Would you like pricing on servicing or a trade-in or re-use value for this type of equipment? If so please contact Emma Jones in our service team.

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