Special Offer - Radiation Shielding
All products discounted over 30% - http://www.wolflabs.co.uk/laboratory-equipment/radiation-shielding
Product Category: Radiation Shielding
Manufacturer: Cleaver Scientific
All products discounted over 30% - http://www.wolflabs.co.uk/laboratory-equipment/radiation-shielding
Product Category: Radiation Shielding
Manufacturer: Cleaver Scientific
Cleaver Scientific radiation shielding from Wolflabs.
Features and benefits
- Two sizes of shield, large and small
- Large flat based models for under bench protection
- Curved based models for use with safety spill trays
- Manoeuvrability due to range of angles
- Unobstructed views with clear 10mm optical acrylic or 12mm lead acrylic
- Base plate available for under bench protection
Product Category: Radiation Shielding
Manufacturer: Cleaver Scientific