Analytik Jena UVP ChemSolo Auto Gel Documentation System from WolfLabs
Analytik Jena UVP ChemSolo Auto Gel Documentation System from WolfLabs.
The UVP ChemSolo Auto Imager is a cutting-edge bioimaging system designed for capturing fluorescent DNA and protein gels, chemiluminescent western blots, and colony counting. Integrated with VisionWorks® Software, it offers seamless image acquisition and analysis.
Features & Benefits:
- Epi-White & Epi-Blue LED Lights – Versatile lighting for various applications.
- Wide UV-Protected Front Door – Enhances safety by automatically switching off UV light when opened.
- UVP Elite UV Transilluminator – Provides a large imaging area (16 x 16 cm field of view).
- Modular Design – Supports accessories like the UVP Visi-Blue™ LED Transilluminator.
- VisionWorks® Software – Enables auto-focus, auto-exposure, 1D analysis, and automated colony classification.
Product Category: Gel Documentation Systems
Manufacturer: UVP / Analytik Jena