0 - 9999.99
10000 - 19999.99
20000 - 49999.99
50000 - 99999.99
100000 - 299999.99
300000 - 399999.99
Frozen In Time
Haier Biomedical UK
MechaTech Systems Limited
0 - 4
5 - 9
10 - 14
15 - 24
25 - 44
45 - 99
100 - 299
300 - 680
0.01 - 0.99
1 - 2.99
3 - 9.99
10 - 29.99
30 - 51
100 - 149.99
240 - 399
400 - 799
800 - 1000
1100 - 1999
2000 - 4999
5000 - 7999
Wolflabs is currently the public sector"s top supplier for this range of products through framework agreement LAB5028 LU. A comprehensive range of freeze dryers suitable for solvents that condense above -100°C, with condenser capacities from 3 to 80kg, basic and advanced control, with and without self sterilising functions and with and without negative shelf temperature uniformity from Frozen in Time, VirTis and MechaTech Systems Limited.
Introduction Haier DG-65Z04-10A and DG-65Z04-10AR freeze dryers from Wolflabs. Applicable to biological research, medical laboratories for drying of biotechnological and pharmaceutical products, e.g. tissues and tissue extracts, bacteria, vaccines, and sera, also suitable to food research, chemical industry and other related scenarios for efficient lyophilization of samples.
Features and benefits - Rapid sublimation speed and high drying efficiency - IoT real-time management - Automatic parameter storage - Multiple alarm functions
Product Category: Freeze Dryers
Manufacturer: Haier Biomedical UK
Introduction Scanvac CoolSafe range of freeze dryers from Wolflabs. CoolSafe 4-15 L is an outstanding and versatile range of advanced bench-top freeze dryers. They are the product of more than 40 years’ experience and expertise, and are the ideal choice for research, process development and small-scale production.
Features and benefits - Models available with digital display or touchscreen controller - Lowest condenser temperatures of -55°C, -95°C, -100°C or -110°C - Seamless stainless steel condenser with external cooling coils, heavily insulated to conserve energy and increase performance- Easy draining with built-in valve, allowing removal of water after a completed freeze-drying session- Easy operation with a built-in vacuum valve connecting the condenser
Manufacturer: Scanvac
Introduction New Gellert CryoDryer 5 and CryoDryer 10 freeze dryers from Wolflabs
Features and benefits - All systems are capable of freezing products in-situ of the machine - Gellert freeze dryers offer a wide range of accurate shelf control - Fully operational as a package including all control, refrigeration, heating and vacuum systems - All units can be controlled over the internet via a web browser
Manufacturer: Gellert
Introduction New Lyovapor L-200 freeze dryers from Buchi have been added.
Features and benefits - Sample protective state. - Easy reading of process parameters due to the adjustable display. - An additional Interface can be connected and placed outside the fume hood to control the process outside. - Adjustable shelf distance according to your application needs. - Remote monitoring on mobile devices.
Manufacturer: Buchi
Introduction VirTis Benchtop Pro 9SG freeze dryer from Wolflabs.
Features and benefits - Compact design. - Direct chamber, flask and/or rack drying capabilities. - Choice of refrigeration system to meet various process requirements. - Optional manifolds, racks and accessories available.
Manufacturer: VirTis