0 - 2499.99
2500 - 4999.99
5000 - 7499.99
7500 - 9999.99
10000 - 14999.99
15000 - 19999.99
20000 - 24999.99
Cleaver Scientific
UVP / Analytik Jena
0 - 0.9
1 - 1.9
2 - 2.9
3 - 3.9
4 - 4.9
5 - 9.9
10 - 14.9
15 - 19.9
20 - 24.99
1 - 4.99
5 - 9.99
10 - 19.99
20 - 29.99
30 - 39.99
40 - 49.99
50 - 59.99
60 - 69.99
70 - 79.99
300 - 399.99
Manual zoom
Motorised zoom
Wolflabs is currently the public sector"s top supplier for this range of products through framework agreement LAB5028 LU. A range of gel documentation systems for gel imaging with digital cameras (no live preview), gel imaging with CCD cameras (live preview), with camera resolutions between 0.3 and 15.1MP, manual fixed, manual zoom, motorised fixed and motorised zoom camera lenses, with and without transilluminators, PCs and motorised chemi sample platforms from Cleaver Scientific, UVP and Vilber.
Introduction Analytik Jena UVP Gel Compact gel documentation systems from Wolflabs. The UVP Gel Compact imager is an autonomous, independent, and smartphone-driven bioimaging system designed for the documentation and analysis for various types of samples which include but are not limited to DNA gels, protein gels, and colony plates, etc. The UVP Gel Compact allows users to capture images and analyse them via their personal mobile device equipped with Analytik Jena's VisionWorks Software App. The new VisionWorks application was generated for easy gel capture and analysis and allows for total control of the UVP Gel Compact darkroom
Features and benefits - Unique feature of using your own smartphone to take images of your sample - Overhead white and blue LED light, and UVP UV Transilluminator at 302 nm - Four position automated emission filter tray with EtBr emission filter included - Darkroom fully automated and controlled through smartphone via the VisionWorks mobile app - A phone adapter/holder is included with each unit allowing for a range of phone sizes that work seamlessly with the UVP Gel Compact
Product Category: Gel Documentation Systems
Manufacturer: UVP / Analytik Jena
Introduction Analytik Jena UVP BioSpectrum Advanced gel documentation systems from Wolflabs. The UVP BioSpectrum Advanced is an all in-one BioImaging system with in vivo imaging capabilities for sample documentation and analysis, including in vivo animal imaging, plant imaging, chemiluminescence, NIR, and fluorescence. This all-in-one system is perfect for any lab within research institutions, medical facilities, academic research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, amongst others.
Features and benefits - Includes a 6.1MP fluorescence-focused sensor and a 1.05 MP fluorescence/ bioluminescence-focused sensor - Fully loaded with overhead laser bars in blue, green, red, NIR, and violet (405 nm) - 6-position automated filter wheel on a convenient slide-out tray; RFID-tagged filters for automatic software detection - Powerful VisionWorks software allows flexibility of creating custom one-touch workflows or using preinstalled one-touch application templates
Introduction Cleaver Scientific omniDOC gel documentation system from Wolflabs.
Features and benefits - Pre-focused 5 mega pixel monochrome camera and Slide-out 312nm transilluminator - Interchangeable 4 position filter wheel with 620nm as standard - Viewing pane with universal amber filter - Simple image acquisition and analysis software guides the user through every step of the gel documentation process - omniDOCs are constructed from corrosion resistant ABS for superior durability
Manufacturer: Cleaver Scientific
Introduction UVP/Analytik Jena UVP ChemStudio PLUS and UVP ChemStudio PLUS touch gel documentation systems from Wolflabs.
Features and benefits - Numerous features for image enhancement and data analysis - A large wide illuminated imaging area for simultaneous imaging of multiple gels and blots - Images of the highest quality, with an 8 MP camera, deep cooling, and efficient photon-to-signal conversion - Small footprint to maximize the use of laboratory bench space - Integrated pull-down UV protection shield protects those doing prep work over the transilluminator
New gel documentation systems from Syngene have been added.
Manufacturer: Syngene